McCurley Family Trees

Online Trees of the McCurley Families

McCurley Family Connections: Tribal Pages

  1. A person must be in the tree to have access to the tree. If you are not already in the tree, please contact Synthia to be placed in the tree. This tree is not the most complete tree. Thousands of McCurleys are in the tree, but if you and your family are not in the tree, adding your family will help many, and this tree will be an everlasting free online resource for your family members to see their family history information and photos, if you add them.

  2. No subscription required but e-mail is required.

  3. Every person in the tree can add and edit their own immediate family members.

  4. If you would like to become an editor of other McCurley relatives and ancestors in the tree, it would be greatly appreciated by many. Just contact Synthia to be designated as an editor.

  5. There is no fee or cost of any kind for members or editors, ever.


ANCESTRY & Other Trees

  1. Access requires membership. Membership costs/requirements change over time. Under some circumstances membership and access to trees is FREE, so check with Ancestry for current membership options.

  2. Several members of the McCurley families maintain trees at Ancestry. Some trees are public. Some trees are private. Sometimes owners of private trees will give access to individuals, so just ask.

  3. Owners of trees will need your e-mail address to give you direct access to the tree, especially if they have made it private.

  4. Synthia's Ancestry tree link (if link fails contact Synthia There are many Ancestry trees, including trees managed by:

  5. Cinda Lewis, the original McCurley Genealogy Genie with about 100,000 people in her tree. This is the oldest and largest known McCurley family tree.

  6. Michael McCurley, the regal McCurley Genealogist who originally linked the McCurley families to Scottish royalty in his Ancestry and MyHeritage trees.

  7. For access to these and other McCurley trees post a request to: